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Duration: June 2019 - December 2020
See also: projects | netCommons


In this project funded under the Next Generation Search and Discovery grant, AlterMundi and NetHood collaborate to develop a critical missing part in decentralized and distributed p2p systems: content search.

More specifically, this project will implement advanced search for elRepo.io, the self-hosted and distributed culture sharing platform currently under active development by AlterMundi and partners. Search functionalities will expand on the already proven coupling of the libxapian searching and indexing library and turtle routing.

The distributed search functionality will be implemented to be flexible and modular. It will become the meeting point of three complementary threads of on-going work: Libre technology and tools for building Community Networks (LibreRouter and LibreMesh), fully decentralized, secure and anonymous Friend2Friend software (Retroshare), and a transdisciplinary participatory methodology for local applications in Community Networks (see also project netCommons).