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Hi! I have (not so) recently co-founded NetHood. For my CV, publications, photos, and more, you can have a look at my homepage @ETH Zurich (now hosted @NetHood) or my first homepage @AUEB.

I plan to fill this page with fresh material, including research through the EU projects MAZI, netCommons, and heteropolitics, and action at the L200 space, ISOC-CH and the organic Internet.

Until then you can follow me (not) on twitter or ...

... if what brings you here is my research activities on DIY networking, you can find below a few starting points, in increasing order of time required :-)

(NEW: a recent, Dec2018, interview by Felix Stalder in the context of the project Creating Commons, which includes a short history of NetHood: http://creatingcommons.zhdk.ch/hybrid-spaces-interview-with-panayotis-antoniadis/)

- A blog entry at LSE Media Policy Blog from 2014: From personal computers to personal networks: are we ready for the DIY networking era? and a related 5min interview during then CAPS conference, July 7-8th 2015:

- Two articles at The Conversation Global (2017): DIY networking: the path to a more democratic Internet, How to build a more organic internet (and stand up to corporations) and a related 7min talk at the European Commons Assembly, November 16, 2016 (at 1h2m17s):

- A 20min talk on "offline networks", at FLOSS4P2P workshop @FabLab, London, March 16-17th, 2015:

or alternatively a more recent one (November 2017) in Brussels with a different "branding" (the organic vs. the algorithmically modified Internet):

- A 35min keynote talk (2014) at ADAM Symposium on "Reclaiming the Internet" with distributed architectures: Local networks for local interactions: four reasons why and one way forward (the slides)

- A position paper with Ileana Apostol on the International Journal of Community Informatics (2014): The Right(s) to the Hybrid City and the Role of DIY Networking and a more recent article (2016) on First Monday: Local networks for local interactions: four reasons why and a way forward.

- The September 2016, issue #9 of the Journal of Peer Production on Alternative Internets, co-edited with Félix Tréguer and Johan Söderberg. Available also in a nice preview booklet [pdf] (2 pages / paper with excerpts), designed by Luisa Lapacciana.

- An open-access book chapter by Palgrave on the "Organic Internet", appeared also shortened in Architecture & Resilience by Routledge.

- A participatory design methodology for bringing community networks to the ground.

- More papers, events, and talks.

- Not a book available yet :-)

(older research on high-speed scheduling algorithms, p2p economics, interdisciplinary research on hybrid space, and more can be accessed easily through google scholar)