External URL: Openki course [organic Internet] See also: MAZI project | MAZI toolkit | Openki What makes a learning course on the MAZI toolkit an "Openki course" is the goal to design it in a way that it is participatory (everybody talks and contributes) and viral (everybody feels empowered to give the same course). The key lesson learned from the first course given to a group of strangers, during the Openki[PopUp] at Kunsthalle, was that even in such a small group of five "like-minded" and "already converted" to the idea people, all had different basic skills and expectations. So, it is important to break the course into different sessions and ask from participants to express their interest for a specific session, and come prepared accordingly. Here is a list of possible sessions covered during an "Organic Internet" Openki-course: Session 1: Motivation - What/How/Why Requirements: Laptop and/or smartphone desirable Skills: No special skills required Format:
Session 2: Do-It-Yourself - Step-by-step installation of a MAZI Zone Requirements: Laptop with appropriate "image burning" software installed (see here) and more than 8GB free disk space; Shopping list: Raspberry Pi 3; microSDcard (> 16GB); Raspberry Pi case; see here or you can buy the standard package at the course (total cost ~100CHF). Skills: Basic computer skills & Session 1 Format:
Session 3: Access to the MAZI Zone: Access mode and hybrid interventions Requirements: Laptop and/or smartphone desirable Skills: Basic computer skills & Session 1 Format:
Session 4: Wireless networking: antennas and power Requirements: Laptop and/or smartphone desirable Skills: Basic computer skills & Session 1 Format:
Session 5: Free Software - Explore the applications of the MAZI toolkit Requirements: Laptop and/or smartphone desirable Skills: Basic computer skills & Session 1 Format:
Session 6: Participatory design workshop - Co-creation of a MAZI Zone Requirements: Laptop and/or smartphone desirable Skills: Basic computer skills & Session 1 Format: