Panayotis/Panos Antoniadis
[Bio] | [Short CV] | [CV APPENDIX]
My main motivation in personal and professional life has been always the celebration of diversity. Bridging differences while preserving diversity is a key ingredient of social cohesion, conviviality, democracy, and ecological sustainability.
With this in mind, I have navigated and created links between multiple research fields (computer networking, game theory, urban studies, design research, social psychology, Internet governance) based in different academic institutions (ICS-FORTH, AUEB, UPMC, currently Sorbonne Université, ETH Zurich) and actively engaged in various civil society initiatives (NetHood Zurich, ISOC-CH, Verein L200, INURA, Neustart Schweiz).
Currently, September 2024, I am working intensely on finalizing the transition process of the L200 space in Zurich.Two recent NetHood projects, C4R and EuComMeet have successfully ended and resulted in the development of two FLOSS platforms, Convivium, and blob.
I have the honour to lead the participation of the Internet Society Switzerland Chapter in the NGI0 Commons Fund.
From October 2023 to October 2026, I will be also leading the dissemination workpackage of the SINCERE project, and the development of the building-stories platform. This work is becoming a new area of expertise, which will be documented soon.
Selected output from recent research (and action)
ICT and sustainability: The organic InternetReadings: The Conversation Global (also in Spanish & Greek), Palgrave, Routledge.
Projects: L200, Internet Society - Switzerland Chapter, CIRCE, Digitale Gesellschaft
Events: September 7at7, Digitale Gesellschaft WinterCongress
Editorial: JoPP issue #15 TRANSITION
Hybrid space design: Also, your space
Readings: Derive article on L200 (in german), Journal of Peer Production
Projects: L200, Hybrid Encounters @ETH Zurich
Video: L200 3min video teaser
Public talks: urbanize! Festival: Common Spaces, New Public Festival's All-Star World Cafe

Digital commons: DIY networking
Readings: The Conversation Global, First Monday, LSE Media Blog
Projects: MAZI, netCommons, Heteropolitics
Public talks: European Commons Assembly, Brussels, 2016; iMal, Brussels, 2017; battlemesh, 2019,, 2020
Branding: netCommons Press Kit, DIY networking
Book: Telecommunications Reclaimed
Knowledge exchange and transdisciplinary events
On digital empowerment: (regular event series)
On community networks: NetHood booklet (International knowledge exchange)
On community centers: Project CROCHET (Swiss-Croatian programme)
On cooperative housing: MAZI pilot (new initiative CoHab Athens)

Complementary currencies
Readings: International Journal of Community Research (on, Internet Society (on Blockchain and Community Networks)
Projects: netCommons
Public talks: MoneyLab #3, Mitzas Conference (2015)
The right to the (hybrid) city
Readings: The Journal of Community Informatics (2014)
Projects: L200
Organizations: International Network of Urban Research and Action (INURA)
Seminars: @Nova Iskra, Belgrade, 2017
Events: MAZI workshop at INURA conference
*Some older personal web pages at NetHood (2016-2019), ETH Zurich (2012-2015), AUEB (2006-2012)