Panayotis/Panos Antoniadis
[Bio] | [Short CV] | [CV APPENDIX]
My main motivation in personal and professional life has been always the celebration of diversity. Bridging differences while preserving diversity is a key ingredient of social cohesion, conviviality, democracy, and ecological sustainability.
With this in mind, I have navigated and created links between multiple research fields (computer networking, game theory, urban studies, design research, social psychology, Internet governance) based in different academic institutions (ICS-FORTH, AUEB, UPMC, currently Sorbonne Université, ETH Zurich) and actively engaged in various civil society initiatives (NetHood Zurich, ISOC-CH, Verein L200, INURA, Neustart Schweiz).
Starting from January 2021 I am an Ecosystem facilitator at ETH Zurich's Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation / NEWROPE, responsible for the Opening up ONA project, and hybrid space design, among others.Currently, February 2023, I am working intensely on guiding the transition process of the L200 space in Zurich.
Two on-going projects through NetHood, C4R and EuComMeet, shape my engagement in collective work on digital platforms in line with the vision of a more Organic Internet.
Selected output from recent research (and action)
ICT and sustainability: The organic InternetReadings: The Conversation Global (also in Spanish & Greek), Palgrave, Routledge.
Projects: L200, Internet Society - Switzerland Chapter, CIRCE, Digitale Gesellschaft
Events: September 7at7, Digitale Gesellschaft WinterCongress
Editorial: JoPP issue #15 TRANSITION
Hybrid space design: Also, your space
Readings: Derive article on L200 (in german), Journal of Peer Production
Projects: L200, Heteropolitics
Video: L200 3min video teaser
Public talks: urbanize! Festival: Common Spaces, New Public Festival's All-Star World Cafe
Digital commons: DIY networking
Readings: The Conversation Global, First Monday, LSE Media Blog
Projects: MAZI, netCommons, Heteropolitics
Public talks: European Commons Assembly, Brussels, 2016; iMal, Brussels, 2017; battlemesh, 2019,, 2020
Branding: netCommons Press Kit, DIY networking
Book: Telecommunications Reclaimed
Knowledge exchange and transdisciplinary events
On digital empowerment: (regular event series)
On community networks: NetHood booklet (International knowledge exchange)
On community centers: Project CROCHET (Swiss-Croatian programme)
On cooperative housing: MAZI pilot (new initiative CoHab Athens)
Complementary currencies
Readings: International Journal of Community Research (on, Internet Society (on Blockchain and Community Networks)
Projects: netCommons
Public talks: MoneyLab #3, Mitzas Conference (2015)
The right to the (hybrid) city
Readings: The Journal of Community Informatics (2014)
Projects: L200
Organizations: International Network of Urban Research and Action (INURA)
Seminars: @Nova Iskra, Belgrade, 2017
Events: MAZI workshop at INURA conference
*Some older personal web pages at NetHood (2016-2019), ETH Zurich (2012-2015), AUEB (2006-2012)